Friday, September 17, 2010

Gradient Design

This is the second page in my design book. The assignment was to use only gradient fill to create a design. I tried to make my design unique by using various degrees of opacity to create the illusion of depth. The primary elements of design which I focused on were value and shape. The value change across each of the shapes added to illusion of layer. I used value to influence shape as well. The transformed object at the top right corner appears to be three dimensional because of the value change that occurs. The rectangles cutting across the screen horizontally appear two dimensional. The principle of design which I focused on was variety.  I alternated between having crisp straight edges, smooth edges, and spiky edges. The process that I went through in making this piece was mostly experimental. I made most objects in the piece with the transform and morph tools.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Line Design

This is an image that I made in Electronic Design class. It was created using only line tools and grey-scale in Adobe Illustrator.

My First Blog Post

This is a blog post.
Check out Google.
This is an image of street painting.